


Registered 2020-04-12 22:53:39
K/D 1:4
Binds N/A
Bandages 1:1


In the mystical enclave of Howling Hills, Lyra's world was veiled in perpetual darkness. Born blind yet possessed of an innate tiefling heritage, she traversed a realm of shadows, hidden away from the prying eyes of society. Her upbringing, nestled within the protective embrace of her family, was one of secrecy and isolation, where the arcane mysteries of her lineage were carefully guarded.

However, within the depths of her soul lay a dormant power, waiting to be awakened. Through tireless study and an unwavering determination to transcend her limitations, Lyra unearthed the ancient secrets of her heritage. With each incantation and whispered invocation, she learned to harness the latent magic within her, weaving spells of perception that lifted the shroud of darkness and granted her the gift of sight.

With newfound vision born of magic, Lyra stepped forth into the world, her senses ablaze with the vibrant hues and swirling energies that surrounded her. Guided by the radiant glow of her indomitable spirit and fueled by the boundless potential of her arcane-infused sight, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery, determined to carve her own path in the mystical realm of Howling Hills.



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



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